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Nothing to Flush: How to Unblock Drains

Though it can be a dirty job, unblocking drains is something that everyone should know how to do. Whether it’s a sink or shower drain, blocked drains are an all too common occurrence in most homes and offices. If left untreated, the resulting blockage can cause significant potential damage, such as water overflowing and flooding inside of the home. But don’t worry – unblocking a drain is an easy process and can often be done with basic supplies from the hardware store. click here to get started.

Stocking Up on Your Supplies

Before you can begin unblocking the drain, you will need to make sure you have the right tools for the job. In most cases, old-fashioned elbow grease and a plunger are sufficient enough for a residential application. You can typically find these supplies at your local hardware store. Make sure you also pick up some professional grade cleaners – Caustic agents, such as Enzymes, are essential in cleaning and unblocking tough clogs.

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Preparing the Area

Once you have the appropriate tools, the next important step involves prepping the area. Before you can start working on the drain, it’s important to make sure that the area is clean and free of debris. Put down tarps, newspapers, and other disposable items to help protect the surrounding area from any mess or residue. Not only will this keep your workspace secure; it will also help in containing the smell of caustic solutions.

Start Working on the Drain

Now that the preparation phase has been taken care of, let’s move on to the actual work. Start by pouring a caustic solution into the drain and allow it to sit for a few minutes. This can help loosen up any debris that may be stuck in the walls of the pipes. After allowing the chemicals to work their magic, it’s time to grab the plunger and start plunging. The goal here is to create an airtight seal between the plunger and the drain opening, which enables the plunger to push the standing water through the pipe and break up the blockage.

Ensuring Smooth Sailing

Once the plunger begins to push out the water, it’s important to monitor the flow in order to ensure that the drainage system is functioning properly. Sometimes, the blockage may not completely clear upon the first attempt. In these cases, you may need to repeat the same process a few times before the draining is completely cleared. Additionally, it’s important to continue using the cleaner to help prevent future blockages.

Maintaining Your Drains

Preventative maintenance is key to ensuring that your drains remain in top condition. In order to maintain the health of the drains, it’s recommended that you pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drains once a month. This helps remove excess build-up and helps to keep the pipes clear. Additionally, it’s important to avoid throwing any food or other unwanted items into the drain, as this can easily result in a nasty blockage over time.

When in Doubt, Call a Professional

If you’re having trouble unblocking the drain yourself, a plumbing professional can always assist. Not only can they provide specialized tools and techniques to help unblock the drain, they can also provide advice on how to best maintain your drains going forward. It’s important to note that hiring a professional can be quite expensive, so it’s always best to try and tackle the issue yourself first.

Unblocking drains doesn’t have to be a stressful job. Following the steps outlined above can ensure that your drains are functioning properly and remain free from blockages. However, if the task proves to be too daunting for you, remember that plumbing professionals are always available to help out.