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Choose Your Deals in the Right Writing Aspects

The upper secondary school includes a larger independently performed task. The in-depth work or the design of the special work is usually an essay in which you enclose a specific area of ​​facts that you should try to investigate, clarify and write a longer text on a so-called dissertation. Now that you can come up with is trustworthy options you can find the finer aspects right there.

The Use of the Thesis

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The thesis is a scientific text in miniature format. This means that you should “research” and come up with research results that you will share. A scientific study (the essay) cannot look anyhow, so we want you to read this carefully.

The scientific text (the essay) can be written in different ways, but certain basic rules should be followed. There is a standard structure that will also apply to the university. This work is an exercise that is a prerequisite for you to succeed at the university.

This outline model has ancient origins and is internationally viable. One could say that: “the ancient Greeks wrote essays with a similar disposition”. The essay is to be built around the Holy Three. First, there should be a

  • introductory part,
  • the main part and a
  • final part.

These three major parts are in turn divided into three subcategories. When it comes to headings and subheadings, they should act as a guide through the text.

Concretization (clarification): You should first attract readers with the help of your title page, where the reader will also find out which area the work will cover. Then, by reading the abstract, he can gain a comprehensive knowledge of what you have come up within your scientific work. When the reader has come this far, he cannot tear himself away from your scientific dissertation but wants to know more. But before he starts reading the work, he wants to know how it is disposed of (arranged) so that he can get a clear understanding of the scope and content of the work.

  • Thesis (special thesis )
  • Introduction with or without hypothesis
  • Main text
  • Termination

Concretization (clarification): Once you have got the reader this far, you have to fulfill what you promised; thus you must present a dissertation that is as good as you say in the introductory part. Here, in the main part, you submit your formidable dissertation, but before we get to the main text, your work should have a well-functioning introduction that should lead the reader into the text. In the introduction, any hypothesis (assumption) is presented. In the introduction, you can ask rhetorical questions (questions that you do not answer and whose function is to deepen the reader’s willingness to find out the answers). From the introduction, it should be clearly stated what the main part will be about. Then, when you have done what you would like to do, and the reader feels measured by new knowledge, then it is time for the conclusion. Just as in exciting novels, the reader must be given time to recover and, above all, reflect on what he reads. You as an essay writer here help the tired reader with a summary of what has been dissertated. In a scientific text, you should first say what to do, then do it and finally summarize what you have done.

  • Closing (a show which sources were used)
  • Literature list
  • Appendices
  • Register

Concretisation (clarification): In a scientific text you must first say what you should do, then do it and finally summarize what you have done.