Asbestos Removal Essex

Medical conditions caused by asbestos

Asbestos could be a cluster of present fibrous minerals. Six known styles of asbestos belong to the mineral and snaky mineral families. whereas some styles of asbestos are also additional risky than others, all area unit dangerous. Leading health agencies classify every type of asbestos as cancer-causing substances.

All the known kinds of asbestos will cause pneumonoconiosis, malignant carcinoma, carcinoma, female internal reproductive organ cancer, vocal organ cancer, and alternative serious diseases.

Some agencies, like the Health Protection Agency within the U.K., claim mineral styles of asbestos area unit the foremost dangerous forms. The EPA has abandoned comes and suggested Asbestos Removal Essex to determine that asbestos fiber sorts area unit the foremost harmful as a result of the general regulation of asbestos and asbestiform minerals could be an additional pressing priority.

Types of asbestos which will Cause Asbestos Diseases

Asbestos Amosite Mineral Family

Asbestos Removal Essex

There are Five styles of asbestos that belong to the mineral family. These varieties have sharp, straight chain-like structures that area unit simply indrawn.

Asbestos includes:

  • Actinolite asbestos
  • Amosite asbestos
  • Anthophyllite asbestos
  • Crocidolite
  • Tremolite asbestos

Asbestos has a simple fiber-like structure. Studies recommend it takes a lot less exposure to mineral asbestos to cause cancer, compared to snaky asbestos. Amosite and crocidolite area unit the foremost commercially valuable styles of mineral asbestos, whereas asbestos, tremolite, and asbestos area unit thought of non-commercial forms.

Amosite will be found within the following products:

  • Cement
  • Chemical insulation
  • Electrical insulation
  • Fire protection
  • Gaskets
  • Insulation boards
  • Plumbing insulation
  • Roofing
  • Thermal insulation
  • Tiles

Serpentine Mineral Family

Chrysotile asbestos is that the solely celebrated kind of asbestos that belongs to the snaky family. conjointly referred to as white asbestos, this selection is formed of permed fibers and includes a bedded structure.

Serpentine asbestos has permed fibers created of sheets of crystals. the only kind of asbestos from the snaky family, chrysotile, has traditionally accounted for quite 95% of all asbestos used around the world. As a result of asbestos-industry lobbying, some countries that have prohibited alternative styles of asbestos still allow the “controlled use” of asbestos.

Chrysotile will be found within the following products:

  • Asphalt
  • Brake lining
  • Brake pads
  • Cement
  • Clutches
  • Disk pads
  • Gaskets
  • Plastics
  • Roofing materials
  • Rubber
  • Textiles

Diseases caused by asbestos

When materials that contain asbestos area unit disturbed or broken, fibers area unit discharged into the air. once these fibers area unit indrawn they will cause serious diseases. These diseases won’t affect you immediately; they typically take a protracted time to develop, however once diagnosed, it’s typically too late to try and do something. this can be why it’s necessary that you simply defend yourself currently.

Asbestos will cause subsequent fatal and heavy diseases like:


Mesothelioma could be cancer that affects the liner of the lungs (pleura) and also the lining closes to the lower digestive tube (peritoneum). it’s virtually completely associated with asbestos exposure and by the time it’s diagnosed, it’s nearly always fatal.

Asbestos-related carcinoma

Asbestos-related carcinoma is that the same as carcinoma caused by smoking and alternative causes. it’s calculable that there’s around one carcinoma for each carcinoma death.


Asbestosis could be a serious scarring condition of the respiratory organ that unremarkably happens once serious exposure to asbestos over a few years. This condition will cause progressive shortness of breath, and in severe cases will be fatal.

Pleural thickening

Pleural thickening is mostly a drag that happens once serious asbestos exposure. the liner of the respiratory organ (pleura) thickens and swells. If this gets worse, the respiratory organ itself will be squeezed and might cause shortness of breath and discomfort within the chest.